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How does 4 in 1 U-Lipo® Work?

Cavitation Ultrasound MachineHow does 4 in 1 U-Lipo Work?: 4-In-1 U-Lipo® is an intelligent alternative to surgical liposuction. A new way to reduce unwanted fat from the body & to achieve Circumference reduction or cm reduction. It is a great tool or u lipo machine for Body Contouring & Body shaping, without undergoing Surgery. As against conventional liposuction methods (which are expensive, surgery-intensive, risky and painful), 4-In-1 U-Lipo® uses the power of 4 Non Surgical Technologies in single Session. You can avoid the side effects of Liposuction, by opting for this Non surgical fat reduction procedure, for Slimming, Body shaping, Tummy tuck & Body contouring. Only CE & ISO certified Effective, Powerful & Professional equipments or u lipo machine are used in the clinic for the treatments. It Uses 4 Technologies ie Ultrasound Lipolysis, NARF, Vacuum Suction & Power Vibra in each treatment. It is a painless and non-surgical way to reduce excess cms from your body and get your body back in shape. Treatment is available for Tummy, Sides, Hips, Thighs, Inner Thighs, Arms, Saddlebag, Calf, Upper Back, Female B-line, Male Chest and Face & Chin.

1. Ultra-Sound Lipolysis

It is also known as Ultrasound Cavitation or Ultrasonic Cavitation or Ultrasound Fat Reduction or Nonsurgical Ultrasound Liposuction. The Low Frequency Ultra sound technology of U-Lipo® allows a predetermined amount of energy to be focused onto the subcutaneous adipose tissue. As the ultra sound waves converge towards the targeted area, they cumulate at a certain point and produce the so called cavitation effect leading to mechanical breaking of the cellular membranes and the release in the inter cellular fluid of the stored triglycerides which are rapidly and naturally metabolized. The technological system is very selective as only the adipose tissue is being targeted and no other tissue is altered in the process.

Ultrasound Lipolysis

Principle of Ultrasound Cavitation

How does 4 in 1 U-Lipo Work?: In a clinical perspective, the most effective instruments for noninvasive fat reduction use low frequency ultrasound. Through the generation of compression and depression cycles at appropriate frequency, it causes cavitation phenomena at the fat droplet-watery cytoplasm interface & eventually adipocyte rupture and triglyceride release. Ultrasound can be concentrated in a defined subcutaneous area to produce clinically relevant fat lysis while avoiding any damage to blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue, and the underlying organs. The device for lipo-reductive purposes has been specifically designed to prevent unwanted tissue injury. The ultrasound emitter, was demonstrated to achieve selective adipocyte lysis and clinically relevant reduction of the volume of subcutaneous fat pad, in the absence of significant adverse reactions. It has been shown that adipose cell cavitation induces focal alterations of the plasma membrane and lipid leakage.

Ultrasonic Cavitation

Anesthesia is not necessary prior to the use of the cavitation ultrasound machine. This simple procedure for fat reduction can be done within the clinic and results are typically seen immediately. It is suggested to periodically maintain these treatments in order to see the best results. Various clinical studies further strengthens the current notion that noninvasive trans-cutaneous ultrasound cavitation is a promising and safe technology for localized reduction of fat and provides evidence for its specific mechanism of action on the adipocytes.

Ultrasonic Cavitation Liposuction

Effects of the Treatment after a Single Session

Ultrasound Cavitation Treatment



Before the treatment 1 and 2 adipose layer 36 mmAfter the treatment 1 and 2 adipose layer 34 mmBefore the treatment 3 and 4 left and right hip 30 mmAfter the treatment 3 and 4 left and right hip 29 mmModification in the trabecular structure of the adipose tissue that demonstrates a partial disintegration of the same

2. Non Ablative Radio Frequency or NARF

Advanced NARF technology delivers the optimal RF energy to the dermal & subcutaneous layers. Its dense energy matrix penetrates into multiple layers of the skin, ensuring improved clinical efficacy and noticeably visible results. It targets the elastic fibers of the skin, which causes collagen regeneration, collagen remodeling & skin tightening. The elastic fibers of the skin, collagen and elastin, are produced by fibroblasts. As they are heated, they contract and collagen strands are pulled closer resulting in immediately tightened skin. The deep heating effect in turn accelerates the fat cell metabolism to augment collagen regeneration over the full treatment course. The desired result: tighter, younger looking skin immediately and long-term skin remodeling. Heating the fat cells accelerates metabolism and causes them to shrink. The rise in temperature forces fat cells to secrete fatty acids (liquid fat), which are disposed via the blood and lymph system. The desired result: fat and circumference reduction and minimized cellulite appearance.

Skin Tightening Treatment

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

3. Vacuum Suction

Vacuum Suction is a procedure used for body sculpting & cellulite reduction. The medical effect of VVacuum Suction Body Treatmentacuum Suction is realized by means of vacuum that causes the local rush of blood and lymph to skin from deep lying tissues, which exerts the reflex influence on vessels of internal organs. Vacuum Suction is believed to be one of the most trusted and efficient treatment against cellulite. It smoothes hypodermic fat layer and skin becomes more elastic. Vacuum is primarily used for softening the hard and stubborn fat. The continuous push and pull action on the skin has a massaging effect on the tissues. It softens the hard and stubborn fat or cellulite. This helps during NARF (Non – Ablative Radio Frequency) as it helps the fat cells break faster and later makes it easy for the system to eject them through the excretion process. Vacuum strengthens the connective tissues under the dermis so that it would not allow fat accumulation in the future.

Valuable benefits of vacuum

How does 4 in 1 U-Lipo Work?

  • It improves blood and lymphatic circulation.
  • The Localized fatty deposits are softened.
  • Skin texture improves due to exfoliation allowing improved appearance of skin complexion and reduces fine lines.
  • Swelling or puffiness caused due to fatigue and water retention is reduced.

How does 4 in 1 U-Lipo Work?

4. Power Vibra

A Power Vibra is a fitness training system that can increase your weight loss potential by helping you burn more calories in just 10 minutes. The Power Vibra also stimulates your muscles, improves the flow of lymph, decreases blood pressure and increases blood circulation and oxygenation. Vibra Power SlimRead on to discover more of the benefits of the Power Vibra workout.

How the Power Vibra works

The vibrations of the Power Vibra plate cause greatly increased levels of muscle contraction. They also make your muscles contract repeatedly & alternately for improved muscle strength, coordination and balance.

Strengthens Bones and Muscles

During normal exercises, your muscles contract 1-2 times per second. Exercising on a Power Vibra causes your muscles to contract 30-50 times a second. Unlike other forms of exercise which work on only about 40% of muscle fibers, Power Vibra training works on up to 90% of muscle fibers to help you strengthen muscles & develop more muscle tissue. This leads to increased muscle density and increased strength. You’ll enjoy improved coordination, balance and posture, and increased bone density.

Stimulates Production of Helpful Hormones

Power Vibra training will encourage your body to produce increased levels of human growth hormone, which helps in the regeneration and repair of damaged muscles, bones and other tissues. Your body will also produce increased amount of serotonin, the hormone responsible for feelings of happiness & well being, and decreased amount of cortisol, the hormone responsible for feelings of stress and anxiety.

Improves Immune Function

The high levels of muscle contractions you will experience during Power Vibra training will stimulate your lymph glands, leading to increased lymph flow throughout the body and a stronger immune system. Stimulating your muscles leads to increased blood circulation as well. Your blood pressure will drop, and your blood will carry more oxygen to the body cells. As a result, you will have more energy.

Raises Metabolism

Like any other form of exercise, Power Vibra training raises your metabolism. As your muscles get stronger, they use fuel efficiently, & as your blood circulation improves you’ll have more energy. These things encourage your body to burn fat & calories from food faster, resulting in an increased metabolism. As your metabolism increases, you will burn more fat, even when you are not working out.

Strengthens Joints and Relieves Pain

The Power Vibra movements help to strengthen the muscles of your hip flexor and core, to stabilize your entire body & strengthen your spine. The vibrations strengthen the muscles that stabilize your joints to improve flexibility & joint function. Power Vibra training increases blood circulation to all your joints & flushes toxin & reduces joint and spinal pain.

Other benefits

How does 4 in 1 U-Lipo Work?

  • Tones your body without vigorous exercise
  • Work your core muscles
  • Improve flexibility
  • Reduces cellulite
  • Increases strength
  • Improves posture
  • Helps to maintain bone density

Research papers & Bibliography

How does 4 in 1 U-Lipo Work?

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