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U-Lipo® Saddle Bag Tuck

Saddle Bag Tuck – What, exactly, are saddlebags?

Saddle Bag Tuck: Saddlebags are a very specific issue, and you know it when you see it.

Get Rid of Saddlebags

Get Rid of Saddlebags

Saddlebags appear on the outer thigh fat. They are not curves, and are more like sharp angles.

Saddle Bag Tuck :The photo to the direct right shows “saddlebags.” These fat deposits get their name from saddlebags on the back of a horse. The thick pink line shows the natural shape of this person’s body, while the red circles show the saddlebags or Square Booty.

How to reduce saddlebag fat or square booty?

  • Exercises for saddlebag reduction – Cardio Exercises will help in losing extra fat accumulated in the body and should help in outer thigh fat also. But it will not target the specific fat of saddlebag.  Squats, lunges, good mornings, dead lifts all will help in tightening the thigh muscles, but again will not target the localized fat.
  • Diet for saddlebag reduction – Something in your daily intake is contributing to that fat sticking to your thighs, so you have to be committed to changing how you eat in order to change that for good. Be willing to play around with that and find out what works best. A healthy eating pattern is a must, but may not be sufficient alone to reduce saddlebag fat.
  • U-Lipo® Saddlebag Tuck, which uses a combination of Ultrasound Cavitation for localized fat reduction, Non ablative Radiofrequency for Skin tightening in Outer thighs, as well as Vaccum for the stubborn fat, is recommended for women facing saddlebag issues. It is a Non surgical treatment and hence without any surgical risks you can reduce outer thigh fat.  To know more, about how it works- Click Here.

Results of U-Lipo® Saddlebag Tuck

Thigh Lift Before and After

Thigh Lift Before and After

Saddlebags Before and After

Saddlebags Before and After

Disclaimer:* Results may vary from person to person depending upon age, sex, basal metabolic rate, medical history, family history, lifestyle and physical activity.

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