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New Year Resolution to Lose Weight

What is a new year resolution?

A Your New Year Resolution to Lose Weight : A New Year resolution is a tradition where in people resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their lives. Most likely, during this time of the year, people take the resolution to get fitter and healthier by exercising and maintaining a proper lifestyle and a healthy diet.

This year, instead of giving up on your dream too easily and quickly, here’s how you can use the following strategies to be determined on achieving your weight loss resolutions. Below are some weight loss tips.

    1. Create personal goals: In order to stick by your resolution, make small and smart goals which are achievable- whether its losing weight, or eating less sugar, or making healthy food yourself or hitting the gym regularly, keep the goals realistic and try to achieve them on a daily basis and not monthly or yearly.
      “It’s important to create goals you can stick with, so start small. If your goal is too far out, it’s easy to lose momentum and procrastinate,” says Paige Benté, M.S., R.D., and C.S.S.D.
    2. Be realistic: As mentioned before, set your resolution on those ground rules which seem to be attainable and realistic. Also, keep reading about some weight loss motivation ideas.
    3. Outline your plan: Sticking to a resolution can be tough but if you plan it well in advance and then execute it with patience and determination you will then surely achieve your goal.
    4. Be patient: Nothing comes easy, atleast the good things. On this journey of sticking to your weight loss resolution, you need to be patient and determined and not lose hope easily, as it is believed that “good things come to those who wait”.
    5. Exercise regularly: Dieticians have said that in order to lose weight, your body requires 70% of a healthy diet and 30% of regular exercising. Your exercising schedule must include a combination of cardio and weight training in order to lose the weight in the correct matter. This should be your New Year fitness resolution.
    6. Talk about it: Don’t keep your resolution a big secret. Tell people about it and share it with your close family and friends so that whenever you are feeling low during this difficult journey, they are there to support you.
    7. Reward yourself: Celebrate the small milestone achievements of your bigger goals by going out with your friends, or by treating yourself with a new piece of clothing or sometimes cheating your diet with one meal outside. It is important to constantly remind yourself that you are doing great and keep working hard for the bigger picture. But, don’t let lose all together, keep following your weight loss diet.
    8. Don’t lose hope: Don’t beat yourself up for not achieving the desired goal in the desired frame of time, give yourself some time and things will start falling in place.
    9. Stick to it: Experts have also said that it takes you 21 days for a new activity to become a habit and six months for it to become part of your personality. So remember that nothing happens overnight and things take time to take place. So be patient and persistent. Stick to your New Year weight loss plan.
    10. Keep trying: Don’t lose hope by mid-February.If you have, pull yourself up again and start over with the 21-day challenge and keep small and smart goals which will be attainable. Keep rewarding yourself weekly, if you feel de-motivated quickly. Take one day at a time, and before you know it, you will be back on track.


    A Your New Year Resolution to Lose Weight : In conclusion, making New Year resolutions on the eve of 31st December is pretty easy, and diligently following it till the end of January is not tough, but the bigger question arises when you are stuck at the middle of this journey and feel like giving up. Most people don’t realize but your actual patience and will-power is seen in this part of the journey. The key here to take one day at a time and look at the bigger picture.

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