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Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Tip and Tricks!!

Healthy Tip – O – Tricks!!

Clean your Gut properly, Fat-Belly kills faster(also known as visceral fat) – That extra tummy hanging off your belt that you are especially wearing now-a-days to keep your pants up, allows toxoids to ooze into your vital organs. Stats say men with cute rotund bellies die 6 times sooner than people with flat bellies. Relevant tummy diets are most recommended.
Say no to Original – Remember the number of times you’ve felt that you just started on that bucket of ice cream and 15 minutes later decimated it to nothing. So take some out to save some workouts. (Saves so much more workout!)

Healthy Tip – O – Tricks!!

Green Tea Revolution – Be a part of it. Yes, this beverage has single handedly swamped the globe with its numerous benefits. Its rich in antioxidants, it fights against obesity, reduces heart risk and hampers the development of Prostate Cancer. Take it.
The Big Ball Theory – Our buxom best friend, for whom we squeeze, press and push ourselves over, our very own – the Swiss Ball, benefits everyone alike, no discrimination whatsoever. It tones your body entirely and develops your core muscles.

The best ever Ab-ilicious Exercise – and the Award goes to Bicycle Crunches. Add to this, our exhilaration at knowing the Bio-mechanics at San Diego State University proved the same.
Myth about LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol – LDL does not signify much by itself as stats go. As the HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) will offset LDL’s adverse effects. If you want to learn about your heart condition the ratio of HDL to cholesterol will be a more fitting test.

Start at the Middle – It’s all about a healthy core. Do more for your back and kill your fat – Run more, lift more. Live in a luxuriously healthy body for a superior lifetime experience.
Devour that Bacon – Get the principals right. Our war is against Calories, fat is good. In a limit off course, too many calories are the bad guys. So go ahead and eat that bacon, it’s alright.
Active and Electric – The Tabata Protocol. Have you heard about it? The doctrine implicates working out intensively with short intervals. It’s the fastest route to blistering fat and at the same time creating a fit body for you.

For the Love of Chocolate Milks – Just go ahead and have it. Yes, you read that right. There is enough research proving Chocolate Milk is great for post workout drinks. So go ahead and please yourself.

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