5 tips to keep weight loss: The start of new year tags a famous tradition ‘The New Year Resolution’. One of the common resolutions people keep is ‘weight loss’. Study says, approximately 2.1 billion people are overweight or obese in the world, that means, obesity is a very common condition in our global population. Sticking to a new year resolution for weight loss is commonly seen amongst many, but there are many hurdles one could face. Here are a few new year weight loss tips which will help you keep up with your new year fitness resolution.
Make your goal or resolution attainable or else one could fail in achieving their goal. Plan your resolution before New Year’s Eve, instead of making 31st as a benchmark. Outline your new year weight loss plan and decide how will you deal with the temptation. Practice positive thinking and self task, or reminding yourself how your bad behavior will affect your goal.
After you’re done the planning, you need to set a daily routine. According to your preference, what is easier to follow, set it and try to follow it. Plan your routine smartly as it is a very important step to stick to your weight loss resolution. You can follow various fitness tips for losing weight, available online.
Maintaining a list on paper is one of the best weight loss motivational idea. It will also help you develop with time, at the same time the list will keep updating. Keep your list with you and refer to it when you need help in sticking to your resolution and development will be crystal clear
For weight loss, you must have chosen a diet you wish to follow. You might need special kind of weight loss food ingredients for your meals, don’t depend on others to cook for you. Be independent and make your weight loss journey ‘Your Thing’. You can follow Prettislim Recipes which are weight loss friendly
Keep track of every small step and success in your weight loss journey. Small accomplishments will help you keep motivated. Don’t obsess over occasional slips, do the best you can each day. Celebrate your success by treating yourself to something you can enjoy that doesn’t contradict your new year’s resolution to lose weight. For instance reward yourself, with shopping or by going for a movie, but don’t break your promise to eat a better diet.
5 tips to keep weight loss: Experts say it takes around 21 days for anew activity to turn into a regular habit. Nothing can happen overnight so be patient keep trying to stick to your weight loss diet plan. If due to any reason you’re failing in achieving your goal of toned body, don’t worry, everyone deserves another chance. Start over again, check different tips for weight loss, promise yourself to work hard and before you know it, you will be back on track.