Looking for a summer detox?: Dealing with the impending scorching heat in the summer can become an increasingly difficult task, considering climate change and global warming having its impacts which spread vastly and have all too real consequences on our day to day lives. Beating the heat is difficult, however when approached in the right way it could be manageable, and often not only manageable but also enjoyable. One of the best ways to beat the heat is through a detox of your entire body. (more…)
How stress can cause weight gain?: Stress is a commonly occurring phenomenon due to increased mental pressure at home or at work. After persistent stress, our bodies also show physical signs of it. Your midsection is most prominently affected , and one thing that comes to everyone’s mind is that does stress cause belly fat? Yes, it does. Stress is one of the main culprits of weight gain. Initially, you can lose weight due to stress but after a while your hunger boosts because of stress.