A Your New Year Resolution to Lose Weight : A New Year resolution is a tradition where in people resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their lives. Most likely, during this time of the year, people take the resolution to get fitter and healthier by exercising and maintaining a proper lifestyle and a healthy diet. (more…)
Tips to avoid your weight gain: Much to our excitement, the holiday season is here once again! With the most festive time of the year being here, it is also the that time of the year when a lot of people think that they might put on weight or people tend to put on weight due to the stress, baked goods and lots of social gatherings. (more…)
Why it takes longer to lose weight after 40: While many of us wish that we could enjoy our lifestyles and not worry about gaining those calories, once a woman turns 40 or gives birth it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight. (more…)