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Archive for December 2015

Mind And Body Refreshing Techniques

Refreshing Mind and Body Hacks

Refreshing Mind and Body Hacks: Drink Away!: Meet your new favorite drink – H2O. Yes I’m talking about good ole water and its magical properties. It’ll zap you with energy and spirit away internal waste; leaving you feeling full (we’ll tackle sugar craving ahead). Water keeps you fresh and alert, not to mention encourages you to take that extra walk to the loo, shaking you out of your stupor.

Keep your snacks close: Yes you read that right. We are telling you to keep your snack close. As soon as you’re salty or sugary craving hits you, you must munch on yogurts, dry fruits, fruits, carrots, cucumber, hummus etc. This is the best hack. When you know your enemy then know its weaknesses too. Keep healthy snacks within reach; before you know you’re eating habits will have changed in front of your own eyes. Your nutrition intake will have increased and you’ll already be taking charge against the war on calories.

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Cardio For Weight Loss

Cardio: Facts v/s Myths

Cardio: Facts v/s Myths: Run Run: Does this read like your fitness mantra. It is good but it’s incomplete without Strength training. Cardio is great but only cardio will let you burn only limited calories. Strengthening exercises constitutes in development of lean muscles. This will boost your metabolism Vis a Vis burn more fat.

Strength training exercises offer many variations that could commingle as cardio too. For example, while doing the Kettlebell routine you can burn about 20 calories a minute versus the same number of calories burnt by running for 6 minutes.

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